Moonshots for the 21st Century: A Fareed Zakaria GPS Special

Moonshots for the 21st Century: A Fareed Zakaria GPS Special

A CNN Special dedicated to the dreamers and scientists that have moved humanity forward through extraordinary acts like sending astronauts to the moon. On this special we focus on 5 moonshots that are likely to impact human history the most: 1 - Sending
39 Minuten
Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions.


vor 8 Jahren
A CNN Special dedicated to the dreamers and scientists that have moved humanity forward through extraordinary acts like sending astronauts to the moon.

On this special we focus on 5 moonshots that are likely to impact human history the most:

1 - Sending Astronauts to Mars
2 - 3-D Printing a Human Heart
3 - Creating a Star on Earth - ITER Project
4 - Flying from New York to London in an Hour
5 - Mapping the Human Brain

Moonshots are exciting, expensive - are they worth it? The answer is, "Yes."

China is on course to pass the United States in spending on research and development and basic research in the coming years.

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