052: Batteries, Medical Advice, Personal Advice and Electrical Q and A - The Prepper Podcast

052: Batteries, Medical Advice, Personal Advice and Electrical Q and A - The Prepper Podcast

Everything from batteries to medical advice to some even more personal advice and LOTS of electrical questions. Show Notes: theprepperpodcast.com/052 Housekeeping: This is the episode that should have been the one year anniversary,
Wilderness & Modern Day Survival for Everyone.


vor 9 Jahren
Everything from batteries to medical advice to some even more personal advice and LOTS of electrical questions. Show Notes: theprepperpodcast.com/052 Housekeeping: This is the episode that should have been the one year anniversary, If you would like to contact me and leave feedback for the show: theprepperpodcast.com/facebook, twitter, googleplus Email me (ken (a) theprepperpodcast (dot) […]

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