106: Primal Power Method and Functional Fitness, Gary Collins - The Prepper Podcast

106: Primal Power Method and Functional Fitness, Gary Collins - The Prepper Podcast

Nutrition, Health, Exercise; and Their Effect on the Prepper or Survivalist Lifestyle  Preparedness is a huge undertaking.  The journey of preparing can never actually be finished.  It is a mountain without a top.  It is a lifestyle.
1 Stunde 6 Minuten
Wilderness & Modern Day Survival for Everyone.


vor 8 Jahren
Nutrition, Health, Exercise; and Their Effect on the Prepper or Survivalist Lifestyle  Preparedness is a huge undertaking.  The journey of preparing can never actually be finished.  It is a mountain without a top.  It is a lifestyle. The amount of things you have to do as a survivalist is so much, it can overwhelm you […]

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