UFOs Military Bases and Pirate Radio

UFOs Military Bases and Pirate Radio

UFOs Military Bases and Pirate Radio
1 Stunde 50 Minuten
Night Fright Show with host Brent Holland: your voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy broadcasting. Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre. It is syndicated across Canada and is available on a free syndication...


vor 9 Jahren
Military bases go on high alert and scramble interceptors when a UFO enters forbidden airspace over a radar base in Northern Ontario. Other sightings in the area are explored and it seems there just maybe something in the area that has earned its reputation as a "UFO Hot Spot". Famed UFO researchers Errol Bruce Knapp and Michel Deschamps share their insights and knowledge; Plus a special treat from Errol. He was an original member of "Pirate Radio" and tells some behind the scene stories.

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