Population Control with Jim Marrs

Population Control with Jim Marrs

Population Control with Jim Marrs
59 Minuten
Night Fright Show with host Brent Holland: your voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy broadcasting. Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre. It is syndicated across Canada and is available on a free syndication...


vor 8 Jahren
Jim Marrs is quite simply the chairman of the board of conspiracy authors. Hollywood director Oliver Stone used Jim's ground breaking book Crossfire the plot that killed Kennedy to base his feature film JFK on. Alien Agenda remains one of the biggest selling UFO books of all time. Jim has authored The Terror Conspiracy, Rule by Secrecy, Rise of the Fourth Reich, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, and tonight my friends we are going head first into his new book "Population Control how corporate owners are killing us."

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