Surprise Attack with Larry Hancock

Surprise Attack with Larry Hancock

Surprise Attack with Larry Hancock
58 Minuten
Night Fright Show with host Brent Holland: your voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy broadcasting. Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre. It is syndicated across Canada and is available on a free syndication...


vor 8 Jahren
Internationally acclaimed investigative author Larry Hancock discusses his new book: Surprise Attack From Pearl Harbor to 9/11 to Benghazi. Larry presents an objective, non-polemic view of America’s threat intelligence,preparedness, command and control practices & national command authority during crises. The historical record now shows that solid warnings have preceded almost all attacks, both domestic & international. JFK listeners: perhaps the most important point is to compare Johnson's actions on Nov. 22 to what happened during other major national security crisis's - was 1963 unique and suspicious? Evidence that the Bush Administration was derelict and that certain of its principals should have been charged with dereliction of duty or perjury at a minimum.

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