Elongated Skulls with Brien Forester

Elongated Skulls with Brien Forester

Elongated Skulls with Brien Forester
56 Minuten
Night Fright Show with host Brent Holland: your voice in the dark for paranormal & conspiracy broadcasting. Night Fright is the number #1 Canadian based radio show of its genre. It is syndicated across Canada and is available on a free syndication...


vor 8 Jahren
Tonight the ancient mystery of elongated skulls. The year is 1928, the place: Peru, deep in the desert plateau of Pisco Province in the Inca region simply known as Paracas. It is here that Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello is about make a world shattering discovery. Inside a huge graveyard containing multiple tombs, Tello uncovers 300 of the largest elongated skulls ever discovered, some dating back 3,000 years. These skulls are named The Paracas Skulls. What makes this find different than other elongated skulls, is that they do not appear to be the result of traditional forms of cranial deformation such as head binding and head flattening. Whatsmore, there is are distinct differences between The Paracas skulls and those of human skulls. Shockingly, The cranial capacity is measured up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than standard human skulls. So what is the explanation for these differences?

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