AotA 181: The New Hotness

AotA 181: The New Hotness

Android podcast discussing Android news, reviews and awesome Android apps.


vor 8 Jahren
"The code just wants to be free, man."
Welcome to another episode of the Attack of the Androids!  This week  Mat Lee, myself, and Joey Kelley discuss the latest Android news including Android N, the latest Google v Oracle court drama, and a $4 phone!  Get ready for some Android-y goodness!
The big news this week is Android N.  You may be confused since Google I/O hasn't happened yet, but rejoice for fun, new features!  Among the most interesting of features is multi-window mode, which is good for devices such as the Pixel C.  According to Engadget, as well as AOTA regular Shane Brady, Android N on the Pixel C is amazing.  If you're interested in running Android N on your own device, go ahead and follow the instructions over on LifeHacker.
Remember the Oracle v Google case?  It has been going on as long as we have been doing this show (which is a long time) and has just heated up again.  This time, Google is using "fair use" as a defense against the potentially large judgement against them.  To make this even more interesting, Oracle is stating that they are ready to reveal "bombshells" about Google and their Android activity.  Netflix has announced that it will now begin accepting Google Play billing in the beta version of its latest app.  This is great news for those of us who have started using Google for all of our payments!  Perhaps you'll use that same billing account to buy a Pixel C?  If so, you'll save quite a bit of money by telling Google that you're a developer!  From now until July 15th, you can get 25% off by using Google's Developer Discount page.
Are you super poor or just a cheapskate?  Do you like phones with questionable legal statuses?  If the answer to any of these questions was yes, you should check out the Freedom 251 phone.  For only $4 they are selling bargain basement, Chinese phones though some folks are saying that the company selling the Freedom 251 actually stole a bunch of other phones and re-branded them.  You can watch Unboxing Therapy unboxing this little gem by clicking below.  Blackberry has announced even more Android phones for 2016.  What's even more interesting is what didn't get announced -- new Blackberry 10 phones.  Is this the end of BB10?  We're unsure, though it is not a good sign.
Have you ever been to the future?  Well, Sony has and they brought back some whacky headphones while they were there.  Instead of normal earbuds, the earbuds have holes that don't block sound from the outside.  The earbuds then connect to a small, collar-like device which plays sound upwards toward your ears.  Making sense?  Well, if not, check out the photo below.  Google and HTC have allegedly signed a 3 year hardware deal.  While this doesn't necessarily mean new Nexus phones, it hopefully means new Nexus phones.  That being said, take this with a grain of salt given that the source is named "cute jumping tiger" on Weibo.  Wanna read a bullshit story from CNET?  Try this one about how the worst part of Samsung phones is Android.  I'm dumber now.
We’re up to a lot throughout the week!  You can check out Mat’s latest musings over at Stuff Stoners Like.  He’s also just released his new album, Project LD50, so you should check that out!  Nick is also creating content on his YouTube page. Check it out!  We need to get him to 500 subscribers!   For me, just follow me over on Twitter to see what I’m up to.
Thanks for hanging out with us this week!  You can stay up with the Android discussion during the week on our AotA Google+ Community. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and the AotA Google+ page to know when the show goes live, and when new episodes are posted. Also make sure you subscribe to the Attack of the Androids YouTube channel.
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