Catholic Pilot #7 – I’m Back!

Catholic Pilot #7 – I’m Back!

Broadcasting from the Doubletree Hotel in Albuquerque, NM, again. In this show I talk about why it has been FOREVER since I have recorded a show, listener feedback, and my request for listeners to help with the direction of my show.


vor 14 Jahren
Broadcasting from the Doubletree Hotel in Albuquerque, NM, again. In this show I talk about why it has been FOREVER since I have recorded a show, listener feedback, and my request for listeners to help with the direction of my show. Don’t forget that you may leave feedback (free!) by clicking the Google Voice widget (over there on the right). I’m “Capt Jeff” on Facebook, and “jeffnielsen” on Twitter.
Feedback from Bob, Nancy, and Mary.
(304) 99-PILOT
(304) 997-4568

Click here to listen!

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APG 264 – FoxTrotting on the Runway
2 Stunden 42 Minuten
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APG 263 – How Low Can You Go?
2 Stunden 58 Minuten
vor 7 Jahren

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