Watching the Watch Dogs, E3 is leaky, and Garnett's (awful, says John) taste in tea

Watching the Watch Dogs, E3 is leaky, and Garnett's (awful, says John) taste in tea

Years ago, John Davison and Garnett Lee were half of the lineup of the popular 1UP Yours podcast. Now, they live hundreds of miles apart - but still get together to talk about videogames whenever possible.John lives in the Bay Area while Garnett lives...


vor 10 Jahren
Lots to talk about Watch the fact that Garnett hasn't played it yet - so John conveys it's hundreds of tiny problems, while still trying to retain some enthusiasm for what lies beneath a large number of issues.Also this week; more leaks to ruin any semblance of surprise from the announcements at E3 the week after next. New Batttlefield (with cops,) and a new game from Bethesda.

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