Xbox One Dis-Kinected

Xbox One Dis-Kinected

Host Garnett Lee filters through all the noise on the Net to hit you with his weekly take on the latest video game releases, upcoming games to be excited about, news stories, community, and all the other good stuff that makes for a great weekend includ...


vor 10 Jahren
Microsoft made a surprise move announcing that the Xbox One would be available in just a couple weeks without the Kinect. Everyone wanted to talk about the decision and not all of the feedback was positive. Your calls and comments from the show page raise a number of good points. Also on this show you have more to say about role-playing games and next generation storytelling. And there's even time at the end to catch up on a couple other items and make sure everyone is ready to get their Super Time Force on. To get your calls on a future episode head over to the Speakpipe page at or leave a comment on the show Facebook page.

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