DevNews #59 – Bugs made of paper and graphine transistors – does the NSA know?

DevNews #59 – Bugs made of paper and graphine transistors – does the NSA know?

YEAH! Integrating yeoman-style projects into a larger maven build – Addy Osmani comes up with the goods. Making Maven Grunt We buried the lead – NSA can get to everything Joel brings up the counter-point, an article by ARS. Vertx 2.
News by and for developers using open source and emerging technologies.


vor 10 Jahren
YEAH! Integrating yeoman-style projects into a larger maven build – Addy Osmani comes up with the goods. Making Maven Grunt We buried the lead – NSA can get to everything Joel brings up the counter-point, an article by ARS. Vertx 2.0 Q&A on InfoQ w/Tim Fox – As per last week’s episode, Vert.X is an ... Read More

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