DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data scienc..
News by and for developers using open source and emerging technologies.


vor 10 Jahren
With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data science, to some nitty gritty Javascript, a new reactive project in Spring, we got it all. Don't forget to post us on the LifeHacker favorite podcasts page!

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