DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own - and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans... Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos..
News by and for developers using open source and emerging technologies.


vor 10 Jahren
In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own - and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans... Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos and have them automatically bootstrapped and configured by Docker. We talk about CoreOS, which is a small linux distro for beginning machine configurations, the Genymotion android VM that everyone was talking about at AnDevCon2013, and more.

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