DevNews #70 – Droids and flying robots taking over the world and Scala.JS

DevNews #70 – Droids and flying robots taking over the world and Scala.JS

Lots of tech news available today, none of it (well aside from DNA crunching) needs an advanced degree! We have news on Typesafe's Jamie Allen's keynote at JAXEnter 2013 in London, two robot stories, a tale about lost bitcoins,
News by and for developers using open source and emerging technologies.


vor 10 Jahren
Lots of tech news available today, none of it (well aside from DNA crunching) needs an advanced degree! We have news on Typesafe's Jamie Allen's keynote at JAXEnter 2013 in London, two robot stories, a tale about lost bitcoins, DNA Analysis in Javascript, and Githubs expanding contexts for diffs. Also, Joel brings us a review of his first impressions with Ember.js and micro-services are exploding - what does that mean for the enterprise CTO / CIO who bets on that strategy? Find out by listening... It's all here in the DevNews.

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