DevNews #71 – Roblox, one hour of code, Google’s robot army and more

DevNews #71 – Roblox, one hour of code, Google’s robot army and more

This week, we talk about some kid related topics, including Roblox and "An hour of code", an initiative for getting students to learn how to program. We cover Big-O notation and come back slightly better off,
News by and for developers using open source and emerging technologies.


vor 10 Jahren
This week, we talk about some kid related topics, including Roblox and "An hour of code", an initiative for getting students to learn how to program. We cover Big-O notation and come back slightly better off, but with some more in-depth suggestions for you. We also talk about an article on regular expressions, how TestingBog ditched AWS, Joyant is now supporting Node.js, the bad stigma of being called a techie, and bitcoins.

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