1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 04-22-2011

1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 04-22-2011

1UP Radio is the leading voice of the videogame community. Powered by the editors and personalities of the 1UP Network, the 1UP Radio podcast family covers the games industry from every possible angle. Start your week with the humor and insight of EGM...


vor 13 Jahren
If the previous episode was All About Frank Cifaldi Because He's Leaving, then today is All About Jeremy Parish Because He's Back. With most of the games and question/answer stuff being taken care of with the Monday episode, we have a shorter (about an hour) chat about stuff like 1UP E3 Blogger Contest, Sony's woes of late, and Jeremy's take on the rumored Nintendo system. We also talk a bit about Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype, Super Mario 3DS, and the Law & Order embargo. All that, plus a random segment about television, and a perplexed Retronauts call-in. Leave us a message at 415-547-8713, and join our long spoiler-filled Portal 2 discussion next week!

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