1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 07-15-2011

1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 07-15-2011

1UP Radio is the leading voice of the videogame community. Powered by the editors and personalities of the 1UP Network, the 1UP Radio podcast family covers the games industry from every possible angle. Start your week with the humor and insight of EGM...


vor 12 Jahren
On this week's Dammit, we start off tackling such topics as Netflix on 3DS, Call of Duty Elite and XP, EA purchasing Popcap, strategy games in regards to XCOM, television depictions of video games, and the heady issue of proper crediting (focused on LA Noire). Games-wise, we chat a bit about older Zelda titles, Deus Ex Human Revolution, LA Noire, and what Matt Leone would change about Bayonetta. We then answer reader queries about our feelings on QTEs, the supposed resurgence of 2D games, "what's the deal with Japan," and the Xbox Live Summer of Arcade lineup. Also, Bob Mackey repeatedly pushes his Marxist agenda onto both the podcast crew and the games industry as a whole (when he's not discussing "the week of hedgehogs").

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