1UP.com - The Oddcast - 08-05-2011

1UP.com - The Oddcast - 08-05-2011

1UP Radio is the leading voice of the videogame community. Powered by the editors and personalities of the 1UP Network, the 1UP Radio podcast family covers the games industry from every possible angle. Start your week with the humor and insight of EGM...


vor 12 Jahren
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST! What do you get when you mix three girls and a dude with a fixation on nice shirts? I don't know, but we recorded a new Oddcast! This week, Sam, Tina, Alice and Janine discuss how fans reacted to the great Blizzard news this week (Diablo 3), how a crazy GTA IV mod is turning heads, and how Alice's (possibly) distant relatives are selling kids to play in Internet Cafes. Neat!

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