Episode 184: Scraping the Web!

Episode 184: Scraping the Web!

Postprocessing digital photos with the GIMP - it's free and powerfull
Postprocessing digital photos with the GIMP - it's free and powerfull


vor 11 Jahren
I found a new feature in GIMP, no idea how long it has been hidden in the files menue. One can import a whole web page in one image! Better than a screen shot, because you don’t need to scroll down. The web site of the GIMP Magazine results in an image of 1024×16037 pixels, quite an extreme portrait format. It doesn’t work with all sites and sometimes results in render errors. But it is a nice tool.

The GIMP Magazine will have it’s launch in some days on September 5, you should know this by now. ;-)

I helped a bit publishing a book, working as a Technical Reviewer. I got the drafts of all the chapters as a Libre Office File and worked through it, filling it up with nasty comments. So I can claim that I have read every word in Michael J. Hammel’s book “Artist’s Guide to GIMP, 2nd Edition” that I have on the lab bench in the second part of the video.
It is not a text book but a collection of small and medium sized projects. You learn by doing stuff.
Of course I am a little bit biased, got some money, fun and a box of books, but I would also have recommended the first edition of this book. And the second one is better!

Not really needed here – the show starts with creating an image from a web site and switches over to the book review at 7:40. Nothing more in it.

Creative Commons License
Meet the GIMP Video Podcast by Rolf Steinort and Philippe Demartin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://meetthegimp.org.

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