Interior Design Today - Episode 016

Interior Design Today - Episode 016

Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt. In our 16th episode, Mary talks about needs analysis.What does this really mean? Often we have a building or a space that has been used for many functions, but those functions change.
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vor 11 Jahren
Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 16th episode, Mary talks about needs analysis.What does this really mean? Often we have a building or a space that has been used for many functions, but those functions change. We run into the dilemma where the space no longer services the changing needs of the organization. We also may be considering moving to a different facility. What should we be looking for? Where should we put our investment? We know that our buildings are a very expensive part of our investment. Since I specialize in proxemics, I realize that interiors are really a tool with which we work and with which we live. They direct human behavior, but let's be sure that it's the correct behavior.A number of the designers that I work with specialize in doing nothing but needs analysis work. They sit down with clients and look at their preferred functions. What should be happening here? If you happen to be working at home, obviously you need a different facility. Maybe you need a certain degree of privacy because there are other activities taking place throughout your home at the same time.  We really don't want the outside public to be aware of exactly how we live. It is so great that we can Skype, we can see and work with other people. I also understand that there are many people who are not appropriately/professionally dressed at all times. Perhaps they don't want that type of visibility, but at other times, they may want to use Skype to share the professionalism of their space with their clients.When it comes to how we live with our family or companions, that is also quite another issue. We want to participate with certain types of activities, yet in other cases, we want to eliminate other people when we're doing certain things. What is really important to you? How should your spaces be worked? Where are you spending most of your time? What are you doing within these spaces? We have a rather complex form that we use, and it's really quite interesting. When a designer asks you the questions, you know the answers, but so often, when you're not reminded of certain things, you may skip over them. They may be the most important parts of what that particular space should be doing or performing.As you look forward into planning your future, consider how your interior spaces should be working for you. Take the time to sit down with someone. If often doesn't take very long. It can be a matter of a few hours. Review what your priorities are, and see if there are ways that you can enhance what you have or if you are considering purchasing something new, exactly what you should be requesting and what you want in those spaces. Let's make sure that the investments we're making in our interior design work are being spent appropriately. You'll find that you get much use and pleasure out of your interior spaces if they really meet your needs.Please subscribe to the video or audio version of the radio show via iTunes or listen to it at via the following MP3 Link.

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