Thumb Lake to Ge-be-on-e-quet Lake - SD

Thumb Lake to Ge-be-on-e-quet Lake - SD

Canoeing in High Definition
15 Stunden 21 Minuten
The BWCACast is an IPTV (Internet TV) show or Video Podcast that brings you the viewer on a weekly trip into the Boundary Water Canoe Area. The primary focus is to show off the natural beauty of the area as well as provide occasional tips and tricks th...


vor 12 Jahren
After leaving behind the dead moose carcasse in Thumb Lake we paddle through fresh air under sunny skies. The wind always seems to follow us with a gental push from behind helping ease the day of paddling. We encounter a couple of beaver dams and a few mergansers as we paddle our way to Ge-be-on-e-quet Lake.

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