Thin Ice Preparation with Glen Hooper - SD

Thin Ice Preparation with Glen Hooper - SD

Canoeing in High Definition
16 Stunden 16 Minuten
The BWCACast is an IPTV (Internet TV) show or Video Podcast that brings you the viewer on a weekly trip into the Boundary Water Canoe Area. The primary focus is to show off the natural beauty of the area as well as provide occasional tips and tricks th...


vor 12 Jahren
Winter is a great time to get out and enjoy a host of winter sports. Everything from ice fishing to winter camping get you out of the house and into the crisp fresh air. Many of these winter activities involve frozen bodies of water. It doesn't matter if your riding on a snowmobile, gliding along on skies, or crunching by on snowshoes, crossing ice covered water ways need to hold your full respect. It can happen in an instant and without any warning. You could find yourself plunging into the frigid water below the ices surface.
Now this doesn't have to be a death sentence, however depending on your location and how well you are prepared for such an event the end result can vary greatly.
Glen Hooper from Northwest Ontario is an avid winter enthusiast and a writer for winter He spends a lot of time traversing the rugged Canadian terrain in both summer and winter. The prospect of falling through the ice is something he takes very seriously and has put a lot of forethought into what he needs to survive such and ordeal. Join me as I visit with Glen on what he has readied to aid in increasing his survival skills after a plunge into frigid waters.

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