Have Games, Will Travel #70

Have Games, Will Travel #70


vor 17 Jahren
The GenCon 6 (with Sons of Kryos and The Durham 3)Show notes:0:35 - I introduce my co-hosts for this show: Jeff & Judd (Sons of Kryos) and Jason, Remi, & Clinton (The Durham 3).1:33 - This show is part of the Gaming Podcast Network.1:42 - Meet the GenCon 6!2:18 - We talk about the coolest things we've seen at GenCon, including: 1001 Nights by Meg BakerDictionary of Mu (which Judd is too modest to shill)Best Friends by Gregor HuttonHero's Banner by Tim Koppang (produced by Lulu)Games on Demand (featuring The Shab-al-Hiri Roach)The Forge Booth (including Agon, Contenders, and Cold City)
9:00 - I ask why the Forge Booth seems to be so hot this year. In passing, we mention: Mob Justice by Iain McAllisterWith Great Power. . . by Michael MillerCapes by Tony Lower-Basch
14:18 - What else have we seen? Classic Battletech: Total WarfareZucaSettlers of CanaanTwilight 2000Qin: The Warring StatesThanks for the beer, Andy KMongolian Goat Rodeo from Engle Matrix GamesPieces of EightFaery's TaleThe Ultimate Skill from Hero GamesWarmachine: SuperiorityStarship Troopers miniatures game
23:35 - We gush about being able to meet other podcasters at GenCon.27:24 - I let slip that I'm working on a game for next GenCon.28:33 - Until next year, we are the GenCon 6!28:40 - The show is also a part of the Goblin Broadcast Network.28:49 - I want to thank a bunch people, including Paul Maclean of the Goblin Broadcast NetworkDragon's LandingGamer: The PodcastingPulp GamerFist Full of Comics and GamesThe House of the Harping MonkeyAll Games ConsideredMeg Baker (1001 Nights)Brennan Taylor (Mortal Coil)Michael Miller (With Great Power. . .)Everyone who talked to me about their gamesAll of my listeners who said helloAnd be sure to check out GenCon (Almost) Live!
31:32 - I'll be back in a week to ten days to talk about the board games in my review pile.
--Paul Discuss this episode in HG,WT forum

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