Interior Design Today - Episode 012

Interior Design Today - Episode 012

Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt. In our 12th episode, Mary talks about the benefits of interior design for clients who are renting or leasing their home. This is an issue which has become, perhaps, more prevalent tod
Current news and hot topics in the Interior Design industry.


vor 12 Jahren
Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 12th episode, Mary talks about the benefits of interior design for clients who are renting or leasing their home. This is an issue which has become, perhaps, more prevalent today than it has been in the past. More and more people are leasing or renting. The reason may be that their jobs are very transient, they may be transferred tomorrow, and they don't want the responsibility of dealing with a house, apartment, or condo. As a result, they've selected to simply lease or rent, but they still want it to be their home. After all, this is important to them. They want to bring their friends and business associates in, and they want to have a space which is really individual and is really very important and special to them. What I recommend is to find a designer who will help you collect a selection of furniture that is really right for you. Many pieces will be purely functional, but otherwise, you must have a few things that are really special to you. Yes, your apartment may be the same as the other 20 or 30 in the building, but yours has some very unique touches. Those things, you might want to carry with you. Designers understand the flexibility of furniture. They can help you select pieces that can move and work well in many different kinds of environments. They can show you just what to do that will give you long-lasting investment.Looking at the different finishes, it is interesting to see how many hardwood floors there are. Not everyone wants that. In that case, there are some fascinating materials being used today. One of them, a Chilewich product, I saw used in the dining room at the Proxemity Hotel in Greensboro. It is a lead, platinum hotel. This is a very practical material, it can be bought in squares or by the yard, and you can put it down over a floor that you don't really love. It gives you a very different finish. It comes in many different colors, with a slightly rubberized/cushioned backing. It is also very practical; it is not something you have to worry about marking or maintaining. It is also a very green product.Some other ideas include accent rugs, wall tapestries, screens, or simple wall units that allow for flexibility. For example, we currently may be able to accommodate a 15 foot unit, but in the next location, we may only be able to accommodate 9 feet. We could take the other two pieces and use them to accent a doorway or in another position. There are a lot of flexible and practical pieces which can also be used for storage.Many rentals are very neutral in color palette. You will want to select a few pieces which are your favorite color tones, blending with their neutral tones. You can really come up with a very interesting environment.The point is, interior design is not only for the homeowner. It is also for the person who is transient or renting. You want your space to be just as practical and just as accommodating, and just as beautiful, as anyone who is purchasing. Look at your lighting systems, your accessory pieces, and your accents. Select pieces that are practical to move. Help coming from a designer can be so valuable to you at this time. Don't hesitate to call an interior designer and present them with your issue and let them know that you are still interested in quality design. Interior design is for everyone, at every age and every position. There is something that we can add to your lifestyle that makes it more practical and pleasurable.Please subscribe to the video or audio version of the radio show via iTunes or listen to it at via the following MP3 Link.

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