Android Central 96 [Video]: HTC stuck in Customs, multitasking mayhem, Google Music drama

Android Central 96 [Video]: HTC stuck in Customs, multitasking mayhem, Google Music drama


vor 12 Jahren
It's a 100 percent drama-free podcast, where we all hold hands and hug and talk about kittens and -- awwww, who are we kidding. We dive into HTC's AT&T One X and Sprint EVO 4G LTE being stuck in customs, whether or not multitasking is "broken" on the One X, what's going on with Google Music. Plus, more of your e-mails and voicemails. Join us! (And, no, we have no idea why Phil's video is so slow.)

Thing 1: EVO 4G LTE delayed

HTC One X and EVO 4G LTE imports stalled by U.S. customs

Sprint finally acknowledges EVO 4G LTE delay on its community forums

Sprint EVO 4G LTE reportedly will miss Friday's launch date

Best Buy sending e-mails saying EVO 4G LTE preorders ship May 23

Thing 2: Sense 4 and multitasking

Multitasking on the HTC One X isn't broken, it's customized

HTC: Sense 4 multitasking and memory management working as designed

Thing 3: Google Music drama

Google Music limits device de-authorizations to 4 a year

Google addressing Music device de-authorization issues, back to 'normal' for now

It might be your music, but it's still not your cloud

Thing 4: More than one Nexus?

Google bringing multiple manufacturers to the Nexus line, WSJ reports

Multiple Nexus devices could be a game-changer for Google and Android

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