Steps Ahead in German

Steps Ahead in German


war vs wäre
3 Minuten
Lay down the foundations for speaking in German using "war vs wäre" or "würde" plus other verb except "sein."
haben/hatten vs hätten
3 Minuten
Lay down the foundations for speaking in German using "haben/hatten vs hätten."
möchten vs wollten (would like vs wanted to)
5 Minuten
How can you use "I would like" in the simple past "I wanted to ..."
möchte vs wollte
5 Minuten
Using I would like in the simple past.
hoeren sehen sich entspannen
4 Minuten
Verbs of the senses versus reflexive verbs.

Über diesen Podcast

Lay down the foundations for speaking in German by slowly building up your own sentences.

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